Apple Search Ads Campaign: From Setup to Optimization

  • 8th May, 2024
  • Nisha D.
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Apple Search Ads Campaign: From Setup to Optimization

8th May, 2024 | Nisha D.

  • Marketing
Apple Serach Ads Campaign

Do you want to boost downloads and enhance visibility on the App Store?

The answer lies in Apple Search Ads.

This powerful tool enables developers to target users actively searching for apps, securing prime placement at the top of search results.

Setting up an Apple Search Ad campaign is a strategic process that requires careful planning and execution to drive visibility and downloads for your app.

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to set up an Apple Search Ads campaign, covering key aspects such as understanding Apple Search Ads, and how to set up your campaign.

By following these steps, you can create a successful Apple Search Ad campaign that effectively promotes your app to a targeted audience.

Understanding Apple Search Ads

Before diving into setting up your campaign, it's crucial to understand the basics of Apple Search Ads.

These ads appear at the top of App Store search results, making them highly visible to users searching for apps.

Apple Search Ads are a way for developers to promote their apps within the App Store's search results.

When users search for specific keywords, these ads appear at the top of the search results, making them more visible.

Developers can target their ads based on keywords and locations to reach their desired audience.

Apple Search Ads helps developers increase app visibility and downloads by placing their apps in front of users who are actively searching for similar apps.

Essential Guidelines for Your First Apple Search Ad Campaign

Before launching your first Apple Search Ads campaign, it's essential to prepare thoroughly.

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

1. Keep Apple ID Linked with Your App Store Connect: Ensure that your Apple ID is linked to your App Store Connect account. This will allow you to manage your app and its promotions effectively.

2. Have an App Live on the App Store: Your app must be live on the App Store before you can start a campaign. Ensure that your app is fully functional and provides a great user experience.

3. Choose Countries and Regions for Promotion: Select the countries and regions where you want to promote your app.

Note that in some regions, like Brazil, your app's metadata must be translated into the local language.

4. Know Your Budget: Determine how much you are willing to spend on your campaign. Having a clear budget will help you plan your advertising strategy effectively.

5. Sign Up for an Apple Search Ads Account: If you haven't already, sign up for an Apple Search Ads account. This will give you access to the platform where you can create and manage your campaigns.

6. Add a Valid Payment Method: Ensure that you have a valid payment method added to your Apple Search Ads account. This will allow you to pay for your ads and keep your campaigns running smoothly.

7. Understand Campaign Types: Familiarize yourself with the different types of Apple Search Ads campaigns, including Brand campaigns, Generic campaigns, Competitor campaigns, and Discovery campaigns. Each type targets a different audience and has its strategy.

8. Campaign Structure: Follow Apple's guidelines on campaign structure. For Search result campaigns within Apple Search Ads Advanced, campaigns are typically broken down into the four types mentioned above.

By following these steps, you'll be well-prepared to start your first Apple Search Ads campaign and reach a broader audience of potential users.

Set Up Your Apple Search Ads Account

To set up an Apple Search Ads account, follow these simple steps:

1. Apple ID: Use the Apple ID associated with your App Store Connect account. Apple Search Ad Account Create Image Source: Account Create

2. Choose Your Platform: Click the start button on either Apple Search Ads Advanced or Basic, depending on your advertising goals.

3. Fill in Business Details: Enter your legal entity name and other necessary information.

4. Language and Preferences: Select your language, date, and time preferences. Preference Language. Image Source: Language Preference

5. Accept Terms and Conditions: Agree to Apple's terms and conditions.

6. Complete Details: Fill in all the required information, including tax and payment methods.

7. Currency and Time Zone: Choose carefully as these details cannot be changed later.

For optimal results, set up your Apple Search Ads account carefully.

Use organic App Store Data, Apple’s Keyword Suggestion Tool, and A/B testing to refine your keyword strategy.

Don't forget to create a negative keyword list to avoid irrelevant clicks.

Consider multi-lingual keyword research for broader reach and better conversions.

How to Choose Keywords for Apple Search Ads

Keyword research is the foundation of successful Apple Search Ads campaigns, determining when and where your ads appear in App Store search results.

Here are key tips for choosing effective keywords:

1. Understand Your Customers: Put yourself in your customers' shoes and think about the terms they would use to search for your app. Consider what unique features or benefits your app offers.

2. Use Both General and Specific Keywords: General keywords reach a wider audience but may be more competitive. Specific keywords target users who are more likely to convert but may have a lower search volume.

3. Organize Keywords into Ad Groups: Group keywords into categories like discovery, generic, competitor, and brand. This helps you manage and optimize bids more effectively.

4. Utilize Apple Search Ads Recommendations: Apple Search Ads provides keyword recommendations based on your app's genre and characteristics. These can be a valuable starting point for your keyword strategy.

Keyword Recommendation Image Source: Keyword recommendations

5. Regularly Review and Update Keywords: Monitor the performance of your keywords and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Remove underperforming keywords and add new ones based on trends and user behaviour.

Keyword Match Types in Apple Search Ads

In Apple Search Ads, keyword match types play a crucial role in determining how your ads are matched to user searches.

Understanding these match types can help you optimize your campaigns for better performance.

Here are the key match types:

1. Exact Match:

This match type provides the tightest control over where your ads appear. It matches your ad to searches on the exact keyword you've specified, including common misspellings and plural variations.

For example, if you bid on "running shoes," your ad will only show for searches that exactly match "running shoes," "running shoe," and so on.

2. Broad Match:

Broad match allows your ads to appear on relevant close variants of your keywords, such as singular, plurals, misspellings, synonyms, related searches, and phrases that include your keyword fully or partially.

This match type helps you reach a wider audience while still maintaining some control over relevance.

For example, if you bid on "running shoes," your ad will show searches for similar searches like "sports shoes," "jogging shoes," and so on.

3. Negative Keywords:

Negative keywords prevent your ad from showing for specific search terms.

For example, if you sell running shoes but not sandals, you can add "sandals" as a negative keyword to avoid showing your ad to users searching for sandals.

Negative keywords are essential for refining your targeting and ensuring your ads are shown to the most relevant audience.

By understanding and effectively using these keyword match types, you can improve the performance of your Apple Search Ads campaigns and reach the right users at the right time.

How to Set Up Apple Search Ads Campaigns

Setting up Apple Search Ads campaigns is a strategic process that involves understanding different campaign types, ad groups, and ad placements. We’ll follow a step-by-step guide.

Let's dive into each aspect:

Apple Search Ads Campaign Types

Apple Search Ads Advanced operates on a cost-per-tap (CPT) model. This means you pay when a user taps on your ad, but to make the most of your budget, those taps must lead to app downloads.

To achieve this, your campaign structure needs to be well-planned.

The best way to organize keywords is to group them based on your campaign goals and their match types.

1. Brand Campaigns: Brand Campaigns are focused on promoting your app name and brand. They use Exact Match keywords to target users searching specifically for your brand.

These campaigns help protect your brand from competitors and attract high-intent visitors who are more likely to download your app.

2. Category Campaigns: Category Campaigns use Exact Match keywords to target non-branded terms related to your app's category or function.

This helps you reach a broader audience interested in apps like yours, increasing impressions and potential downloads.

3. Competitor Campaigns: Competitor Campaigns also use Exact Match keywords, but they target users searching for your competitors. These campaigns aim to divert users searching for other apps to your app instead.

4. Discovery Campaigns: Discovery Campaigns use Search Match and Broad Match keywords to find new, relevant keywords and target popular search terms.

These campaigns help you reach a wider audience and discover new keywords that can improve your app's visibility.

By understanding these campaign types and organizing your keywords effectively, you can create successful Apple Search Ads campaigns that drive app downloads.

Apple Search Ads Campaign Groups

In Apple Search Ads, ad groups play a crucial role in defining who sees your ads and how effectively you can target your audience. Let's delve into understanding and creating ad groups for your campaigns:

In Apple Search Ads, ad groups play a crucial role in defining who sees your ads and how effectively you can target your audience. Let's delve into understanding and creating ad groups for your campaigns:

Understanding Ad Groups

1. Purpose: Ad groups allow you to specify different maximum cost-per-tap (CPT) bids and audience settings within your campaigns.

2. Components: In campaigns targeting the Today, Search, and Product pages, ad groups include bids and audience settings only.

However, in search results campaigns, ad groups can contain bids, audience settings, keywords, negative keywords, and ad variations.

Strategy for Creating Ad Groups

1. Focus: Each ad group should concentrate on a common keyword theme or strategy related to your app, anticipating how customers might search for it.

2. Efficiency: Distinguish ad groups based on keyword themes or audience segments to track and manage spending separately.

For Example: For a camera app with unique filters, create an ad group specific to iPhone users to refine bids and target impressions effectively.

How to Create Ad Groups

1. Access Dashboard: Click "Create Ad Group" on the Ad Groups dashboard.

2. Enter Details: Name your ad group and set a default max CPT bid.

3. Customize: Choose settings like Search Match, keywords, negative keywords, device preferences, audience refinement, and schedule.

4. Save: Once settings are configured, click Save to create the ad group.

Managing Ad Groups

1. Activation: Select ad groups to activate or pause from the Ad Groups dashboard.

2. Removal: Permanently remove ad groups from the dashboard. Note that removal is irreversible.

Ad groups help you target specific people with your ads in Apple Search Ads. This means you can reach the right audience and get better results from your advertising.

When you use ad groups well, you can make the advertising campaigns work better and get more from your ads.

Apple Search Ads Campaign Placements

Apple Search Ads offers four different ad placements to help you promote your app throughout the App Store user journey.

These placements are designed to increase visibility and drive downloads of your app:

1. Today Tab: The Today Tab can be a great opportunity to reach potential customers with eye-catching creative.

The ad placement appears after the user scrolls down the Today Tab and takes about 50% of the visible screen space when displayed in full size.

The ad shows your custom product page, created for this purpose and approved by Apple’s team.

2. Search Tab: Ads in the Search tab help you reach users before they search for something specific. These ads appear prominently at the top of the suggested apps list on the Search tab.

3. Search Results: Ads in search results allow you to reach users when they search for something specific.

Your ad appears at the top of relevant search results, matching your ad with potential customers' search terms. You can choose your keywords or use the ones suggested by Apple.

3. Product Pages, While Browsing: Ads on product pages allow you to reach users while they browse apps on pages across the App Store, whether their journey started on the App Store or from an outside link.

When interested users have scrolled to the bottom of product pages, ads appear at the top of the "You Might Also Like" list.

Note that product page ads aren’t currently available on the App Store in mainland China.

These ad placements are strategic opportunities to showcase your app and attract users at different stages of their App Store experience. Ad Placement Image Source: Ad Placements

Step-by-Step Guide to Create Apple Search Ad Campaign

Creating an Apple Search Ads campaign is an effective way to promote your app to millions of potential customers. Follow these steps to create your campaign:

Step 1: Sign in to Your Account: Go to Apple Search Ads and sign in using your Apple ID and password.

Step 2: Navigate to Campaigns: Once signed in, click on the "Campaigns" tab to start creating your campaign.

Log In to Apple Id Image Source: Ad Campaign Account

Step 3: Create a New Campaign: Click on the "Create Campaign" button to begin the campaign creation process. Create Campaign Image Source: create an ad campaign

Step 4: Select App: Choose the app you want to promote.

Step 5: Choose Your Campaign Type: Select the campaign type that best suits your goals. You can choose between Search, Display, or App Store. App and Ad Placement.png Image Source: Ad Placement

Step 6: Select where your campaign will run: Choose countries and regions to advertise your apps from the list of countries where Apple Search Ads are available. Choose country or regions Image Source: Choose countries

Step 7: Set Your Campaign Budget: Add basic ad details such as campaign name, budget, and scheduling date.

Decide on your daily or total budget for the campaign. You can also set a bid strategy based on your budget and goals. Ad Budget Image Source: Ad Budget

Step 7: Create Your Ad Group:

Choose a name for your ad group that reflects the theme or focus of the keywords it will target.

This helps you organize your campaigns effectively and understand the purpose of each ad group at a glance.

Set a Maximum Cost-Per-Tap (Max CPT) Bid: Determine the maximum amount you're willing to pay for a tap on your ad. This bid is set at the ad group level and applies to all keywords within the ad group.

You can adjust this bid based on the performance of your keywords and campaign goals. Create Ad Group Image Source: Create Ad Group

Step 8: Create an ad group for your search results campaign by selecting whether to turn Search Match on or off.

Choose relevant keywords for your ad group, ensuring that when an App Store customer searches using those keywords, your ad has the potential to appear. Search Match & Add Keywords Image Source: Ad Keywords

Step 9: Define Your Target Audience: Specify the audience you want to target based on factors like location, language, device, and more. Targeted Audience Image Source: Target Audience

Step 10: Review and Launch Your Campaign: Review all your settings and click on the "Launch Campaign" button to start running your ads.

By following these steps, you can create an effective Apple Search Ads campaign to promote your app and reach a wider audience.

Analyze and Optimize Your Apple Search Ads Advanced Campaigns

To effectively measure and track the performance of your Apple Search Ads campaigns, utilize the comprehensive metrics available in the Campaigns dashboard of your Apple Search Ads Advanced account.

Here's how you can access and make the most of these performance insights:

Accessing Performance Data

  • Campaign Level: View performance metrics for any campaign from the Campaigns dashboard.

  • Ad Group, Ad, or Keyword Level: Navigate to the Ad Groups dashboard, Ads dashboard, or Keywords tab to view metrics at a more granular level, according to your ad placement.

Analyzing and optimizing your Apple Search Ads Advanced campaigns is crucial for maximizing their effectiveness. Apple provides several tools to help you track performance and make informed decisions.

Campaigns Dashboard

  • Metrics: View key performance indicators (KPIs) such as spend, impressions, taps, installs, and more.

  • Optimization: Identify underperforming campaigns and make adjustments to improve results.

Charts Dashboard

  • Visual Data: See performance data presented graphically, making it easier to identify trends and patterns.

  • Insights: Use charts to gain insights into the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

Custom Reports

  • Customization: Create reports tailored to your specific needs, focusing on the most important KPIs for your campaigns.

  • Analysis: Use custom reports to analyze performance in detail and identify areas for improvement.

Paid UA Funnel Optimization

  • App Store Optimization: App Store Optimization listing is crucial to improve visibility and conversion rates before starting your ad campaigns.

  • Keyword Research: Continuously research and update your list of keywords to target the right audience.

  • Bid Strategy: Regularly optimize your bidding strategy to ensure you're getting the best results for your budget.

  • Campaign Structure: Maintain a clear and organized campaign structure to make it easier to manage and optimize your ads.

By analyzing your campaigns regularly and implementing these optimization strategies, you can improve the performance of your Apple Search Ads and achieve better results for your app.


In conclusion, Apple Search Ads are a powerful tool for developers looking to boost app downloads and enhance visibility on the App Store.

By understanding the basics of Apple Search Ads, preparing thoroughly, and setting up your campaigns strategically, you can effectively promote your app to a targeted audience of potential users.

Key steps include having your Apple ID associated with your App Store Connect account, and ensuring your app is live on the App Store.

Other crucial steps include choosing countries and regions for promotion, knowing your budget, signing up for an Apple Search Ads account, adding a valid payment method, understanding different campaign types, and organizing keywords into ad groups.

Additionally, selecting effective keywords, understanding keyword match types, and utilizing Apple Search Ads recommendations are essential for a successful campaign.

Moreover, creating ad groups based on keyword themes, focusing on specific audiences, and analyzing and optimizing your campaigns regularly can help maximize your campaign's effectiveness.

By following these guidelines and best practices, you can create a successful Apple Search Ads campaign that effectively promotes your app to a targeted audience, ultimately driving visibility and downloads for your app.